Destiny - Fate - Is there a difference?

For me, they are the same.
I just look at everything that happens to me, whether good or bad, in a positive light to further improve my future.
Please let me know if you think otherwise.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Stormy Holiday Weekend

It has been 2 hours after 5am (the time my shift ends), and I am still stuck here in the office, not because of stuff that needs to be done but due to winds of typhoon "Santi" currently wrecking its havoc over our province here in Cavite. But after the tragedies brought about Ondoy and Pepeng, it is better safe than sorry so to speak, so I am staying put until the storm passes over.

While I am writing this blog to pass away the time, I realized that I should be praying, pray that when this storm stops, our country would not be as devastated as what happened after Ondoy and Pepeng. Thank God that instead of me being stranded in an unsafe place without any food and shelter, I am at the office safe and sound and still has the ability to communicate with my loved ones. So here goes...

Dear God,

I pray for:
- my family, my friends, my loved ones that where ever they might be right now, that they would be always safe
- the whole country, specially those are still recovering from Ondoy and Pepeng, that they would remain strong and that may they see the "sun" soon
- for the people who are continuously helping all those who are in need, may you continually bless them

And again, thank you for the all the blessings that you have given me and my family

In Jesus name,

Business Options

I have always wanted to have my own business but I have never had the guts to do so. One, they say that your business should be something that you love to do, like a hobby. And I am not really sure what would my interest would be.
I love to eat, but I have no real skills at cooking nor baking but I am willing to learn, for me to learn, I have to have time to study. We already have an oven at home, so I guess that is a start.
I just would have to buy other cooking gadgets which I do not even know what.
I guess I will start off the web for now. I will be searching for brownie recipes for now, the easiest one I can find.
I will let you know the next time I blog how that goes

First Crack at Blogging

This is my first try at blogging. What do I know about BLOGGING?

I looked up the meaning online and found that is a slang language that means "To write entries in, add material to, or maintain a weblog"

Offhand, I think blogging is a form of expressing oneself online. Or maintaining a diary online. I read other peoples blogs and different blogs get different reactions from. I get inspired on some, I also disagree on some blogs.

In addition to expressing myself and inspiring other people thru my blogs, I hope this would also be an instrument for me to get to know myself more, if you know what I mean.

I am not really a writer but I do hope I get better. :)
