Destiny - Fate - Is there a difference?

For me, they are the same.
I just look at everything that happens to me, whether good or bad, in a positive light to further improve my future.
Please let me know if you think otherwise.

Thursday, February 18, 2010


KC started her PTB (anti-TB) medicines Feb 3, 2010. My husband has been diligently providing KC with her meds at 5am in the morning.

But today, KC had her asthmatic cough again and we are not really sure what triggered it.
For a couple of weeks now, KC has been having colds and her eyes would most of the time look puffy. We did not really give her any medicines for the colds but we as much as possible let her drink a lot of water.

Since she is having difficulty again with the cough, we started to nebulize her again every 4 hours. My husband would also be bringing her to her pedia tomorrow to have her checked.

On the good side, her appetite seems to have increased a bit although we have to still force her to eat at times.

It really worries me that KC is still very sickly even after all the medicines she is drinking. We have even limited the things she can eat and the time she can play she might not be enjoying her childhood anymore :(.

A while ago, I can hear her cousins merrily playing outside but she did not play with them probably because she is not feeling that well.

Next week would be KC's foundation day already, I hope she is already well to be able to participate in her activities.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Joining SocialSpark

I just joined socialspark last Friday, Feb 5. I joined since my officemate has been earning money through blogging and SocialSpark. I started blogging way back October of last year but only joined the SocialSpark this year since my office mate said that the requirements are at least 90 days of blogging and 20 posts so I had to complete that first. I would also need to have a paypal account but I have not started that yet pending how my enrollment in SocialSpark goes.

I was able to register to SocialSpark sucessfully but to tell you honestly, I am not really sure how it works. I was able to see the opportunity to earn $5.00 by doing a blog upon signing up in SocialSpark which is what I am doing right now but I do no know how I can put in my blog that I am joining.

I did see in Izea that we can get educated by enrolling in some courses but some of the terminologies scare me. And when I finally got the chance and the nerve to enroll in one of the courses, the Izea University does not recognize my account when I thought and it is the same as the one I created for the SocialSpark. Then I realized, that I would have to do register a different account for Izea. It was easy enough to do but once I enrolled in one of the courses, I still get confused with the terminologies. :(

I guess I still have to spend a little bit more time to get to know how the SocialSpark works.
I will let you know how that would go in my future blogs.

But in the meantime, I would still continue to write blogs, especially as I discovered, this is a good venue to save a record on the health update of my daughter. I wonder though if the information gets deleted after some time. Hmmmm.