Destiny - Fate - Is there a difference?

For me, they are the same.
I just look at everything that happens to me, whether good or bad, in a positive light to further improve my future.
Please let me know if you think otherwise.

Friday, August 17, 2012

The Fillipino Spirit is Waterproof

The Filipino Spirit is Waterproof.

That was the subject of the priest's homily last Sunday (August 12) for the 6am mass ni Silang, Cavite).

The priest even showed the video taken from TV patrol about the same topic.  It shows that despite the floods that affected a lot of areas in Luzon, Filipinos can still manage to go through a wedding in a Church deep in water and wave to cameras while waddling thru floods to name a few.

It just made me realize again how blessed I am.

I tried to count my blessings, but I guess they are too many to mention.

Thank you, Lord, for all the blessings.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

EEG Results back BAER: Need to try again

We got the results of Kiefer's EEG results last Friday and test results are normal for his age so we can rule out seizures now.

The next step would be BAER test to rule hearing problems.  We tried that last Saturday, Aug 11, 2012.  Kiefer would also need to be asleep when it is done.  We deprived him of some sleep (he woke up at 4am for the 10am test), gave 2.5mL of Benadryl at 10am, he fell asleep but he wakes  up when the technician inserts the probe to his ear.  We even made him drink another 2.5ml of Benadryl again at 11am but he was no longer able to sleep.

We will try it again on Aug 20.  Hopefully, this time, we would be more successful.  But maybe we can just skip this process altogether as I honestly do not think there is anything wrong with his hearing

Thursday, August 9, 2012

EEG for Kiefer

Last Saturday, Aug 4, 2012, my son Kiefer underwent a medical procedure called EEG.  This is one of the tests that needs to be done on him after he was diagnosed with Global Developmental Delay (GDD).

We have him scheduled for a sedated EEG at the Asian Hospital in Alabang.  One requirement of the procedure is to deprive Kiefer of sleep the night before the procedure.  He is scheduled at 1030 am.  So the plan was for him to be awake already at 3am and then sleep at the time of the procedure.

Unfortunately, we were not able to do that and he woke up at 530am.  So we have to rely on a medicine induced sedation.  We got a prescription from Kiefer's pedia on what medicine to drink to induce sedation.
Anyway, we also called Asian Hospital and they said that if ever we are not able to complete the EEG test, we can just go back to complete it without additional cost.

So we still went to Alabang and hoped that the medicine (Benadryl, 2.5 to 5 mL) would be enough to induce him to sleep well to complete the EEG procedure.  We let him drink the medicine at around 10am.  When we were in the room, he was still so active but finally, at 11am, he fell asleep.  The technician started connecting a lot of wires/probes in his head and then started the EEG itself at around 11:18am

For about 45 min of the procedure, Kiefer was sound asleep.  But readings must also be taken with Kiefer awake.  Readings were also taken with the following scenarios:
1.  The technician flashed a light in his face for different frequencies
2.  A loud clapping on the background
3.  Kiefer was also pinched on the finger
4.  Television running in the background

He still kept on trying to go to sleep but since we keep on disturbing him, he finally cried that he started to stand up and wanted to go to me.  He also removed some of the wires in his head.  Fortunately, the technician said they have enough data and we do not have to repeat the process again

The results would be read by a neurologist and we should get it in 2-3 days.
We will be going back again on Saturday, Aug 11, to do the BAER which should also be done while Kiefer is asleep.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Ninang Juana A. Valbuena (1919-2010)

Last Monday, May 10, 2010 Juana A. Valbuena, Ninang as everyone calls her passed away. She was 91 years old. Ninang was a first cousin of my father. She is a public school teacher and I think before she retired she was either Principal or Asst principal in the school where she taught (sorry, cannot remember the school already).

We lived in a duplex house in Quezon City, one of the houses were owned by Ninang, and our family owns the other one. Since she never married and never had kids, she treated us very much like the kids she never had and our children her grandchildren.

What do I remember about her? I guess before she became really sick that it is a risk for her to be out of the room, she is precisely what we call her..ninang or godmother. She was my godmother during my confirmation. She was also also there during important occasions, birthdays, weddings, graduations...

May her soul rest in peace.
For those who knew her, her body now lies at 22 Mahabagin St, Teachers Village, QC.
She will be buried on Saturday, May 15, 2010

Monday, April 12, 2010

Our April Doctors Check up

Last saturday, April 9, 2010. My daughter and I went to the hospital for our monthly check up. Same Hospital but different doctor.

Good news!

It is the 2nd month of KC's treatment for her primary complex. She has shown improvement with her steady increase in weight (although still less than a kg increase). She hasn't been sick though although for the occasional asthma and allergy attacks which her doctor said we would treat after her 6 month treatment for the primary complex.

She also had her chicken pox vaccine that day which fortunately did not cause her any fevers.
Her doctor also recommended deworming her tummy so we would be buying the medicines and do that over the week.

I also had my monthly ob-gyne check up. I am already 12 weeks pregnant. It might still be early but we tried listening to heartbeat of my baby using the doctors doppler device. And good news, we heard it loud and clear!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Ultrasound Results

Yesterday, I finally had my second ultrasound to check the viability of my pregnancy as suggested in the previous ultrasound.

And I have good news! We already saw our baby and the heartbeat is already measaured.
Based on the ultrasound, I am 8 weeks and 3 days pregnant. Fetal heart rate is at 159 bpm which my doctor said is normal.

Thank God our prayers are answered.

Just wanted to share the Good news.

Monday, March 8, 2010

I'm having a baby?

During the last week of February, I thought I was having my period but the volume was so low that I decided to take a pregnancy test...It is positive.
It should have been a very happy moment for us but the bleeding made me scared. You see, this is already my 3rd pregnancy. I already had a miscarriage during my second pregnancy so I guess you can understand why I am scared.
I consulted an Ob Gyne (Dra Abigail Robledo-Austria) and she explained that it could be 3 things:
1. Ectopic pregnancy
2. Threatened abortion
3. Blighted Ovum
I did a transvaginal Ultrasound and ectopic pregnancy was ruled out, usually, the drs said ectopic pregnancy is really painful and thank God I am not feeling any pain.
The gestational and yolk sac was found but no fetal pole, meaning, I am really pregnant but no fetal signs or heartbeat was detected yet, due to this, my pregnancy could be blighted ovum.
I have been reading a couple of misdiagnosed online and I am hoping this would turn out one of those stories. The doctor did say to wait for another 3 weeks to do the ultrasound again.
It might be just because the baby is still too small that we did not find the baby during ultrasound or as my ultrasound report says, I have too much gas in my ovary that it is obscuring the view to my baby.
Due to the bleeding, it can also be threatened abortion so the Dr gave me Duphaston 10mg for 2 weeks every 6 hours.
I guess this event put me closer to God again since I started to pray the rosary again.
And today, I went back to work after being one week on bed rest, and I am glad to hear their concern and support for my condition.

I hope in 2 weeks time, I would be writing a blog again, with some good news.