Destiny - Fate - Is there a difference?

For me, they are the same.
I just look at everything that happens to me, whether good or bad, in a positive light to further improve my future.
Please let me know if you think otherwise.

Monday, January 25, 2010

KC's 6 in 1 vaccination

Last saturday, Jan 23, 2010, was the scheduled vaccine of KC. The shot is a long overdue booster for 6 in 1 (see below). It cost us P3900. It was administered by her doctor.

Infanrix® hexa

Infanrix® Hexa is a vaccine used to prevent six diseases: diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (whooping cough), hepatitis B, poliomyelitis (polio) and Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib).

The vaccine works by causing the body to produce its own protection (antibodies) against these diseases

Before the shot though, he pedia checked KC first. She heard that the lungs are clear although KC still gets that occasional cough. Her weight went from 15.5kg to 15.1kg, so that is a concern. Her allergies on her arms are still there so the doctor said we should still continue with the hydrocortizone for another 5 days. KC's ears was also checked and it looks better now unlike the first time the doctor looked at it.

She also suggested the Smartgrow vitamins for KC which we will purchase once her Cherifer is already out.

If there is no improvement on her weight and occasional cough, we might already be doing a skin test on KC to test if she has primary complex (this is another test that hurts :( ... )

KC cried as soon as she saw the needles because she know what's going to happen already. But although she is crying, she still did not move so that we can inject her with the vaccine. She was not really able to move her arm for at least a day.

The following day though, the occasional cough that she has became a constant cough. So we decided to also bring her to Lola Idad (a manghihilot or a quack doctor) since she effectively heals KC whenever I bring her there. That evening also, she had a fever and she had difficulty in breathing again but not too much like what she had at the start of the year wherein she could not sleep. But since it is still there the following day, we decided to nebulize her using Duavent (I nebulized her 8, 12:45 and 5:45), while still continuously monitoring her temp bec she still gets the fever from time to time. Since she just had a vaccine, the fever was normal but not the fast breathing.

I went to work and then my husband texted me at around 9 that her breathing became fast again and her temperature is going up again. I have this theory that it looks like her fever is causing her allergic reaction because when I was a kid, my eyes would always become swollen everytime I have a fever.

Anyway, I will be bringing her to the doctor again tomorrow after work and then I would also bring her to Lola Idad (the hilot is a 3 day process) so that she can be completely cured. Some would say that one form of healing can make "kontra" the other form. I hope this not the case for me since I believe in them both that is why I am trying them both.

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