Destiny - Fate - Is there a difference?

For me, they are the same.
I just look at everything that happens to me, whether good or bad, in a positive light to further improve my future.
Please let me know if you think otherwise.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

EEG Results back BAER: Need to try again

We got the results of Kiefer's EEG results last Friday and test results are normal for his age so we can rule out seizures now.

The next step would be BAER test to rule hearing problems.  We tried that last Saturday, Aug 11, 2012.  Kiefer would also need to be asleep when it is done.  We deprived him of some sleep (he woke up at 4am for the 10am test), gave 2.5mL of Benadryl at 10am, he fell asleep but he wakes  up when the technician inserts the probe to his ear.  We even made him drink another 2.5ml of Benadryl again at 11am but he was no longer able to sleep.

We will try it again on Aug 20.  Hopefully, this time, we would be more successful.  But maybe we can just skip this process altogether as I honestly do not think there is anything wrong with his hearing

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